2011年1月17日 星期一

WiMAX2及LTE 雙軌並進

好久前就說過 LTE 會起來吧.

2011-01-17 工商時報 【記者林淑惠/台北報導】



 WiMAX Forum工作小組會議預定今(16)在台召開,在WiMAX Forum上週在台確定802.16m技術標準備之後,電信技術中心及台灣立德桃園公司將從16e的認證中心躍升成為16m全球測試認證中心。





 黃文傑強調,截至2010年底為止,全球WiMAX用戶已達1,300萬,預估2011年達到1,800萬,其中,全球WiMAX龍頭Clearwire在2010年12月底的用戶總數已經達到400萬,Sprint預定2011年2月引進宏達電平價智慧型手機EVO Shift、在售價還比EVO套價價150美元還低之後,預估WiMAX的美國用戶將以每月新增30萬用戶快速成長。

2011年1月13日 星期四

The S.O.L.I.D. Design Principles

The S.O.L.I.D. design principles are a collection of best practices for object-oriented design. All
of the Gang of Four design patterns adhere to these principles in one form or another. The term
S.O.L.I.D. comes from the initial letter of each of the five principles that were collected in the book
Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# by Robert C. Martin, or Uncle Bob to his friends.
The following sections look at each one in turn.
Single Responsibility Principle (SR P)
The principle of SRP is closely aligned with SoC. It states that every object should only have one
reason to change and a single focus of responsibility. By adhering to this principle, you avoid the
problem of monolithic class design that is the software equivalent of a Swiss army knife. By having
concise objects, you again increase the readability and maintenance of a system.
Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
The OCP states that classes should be open for extension and closed for modification, in that you
should be able to add new features and extend a class without changing its internal behavior. The
principle strives to avoid breaking the existing class and other classes that depend on it, which
would create a ripple effect of bugs and errors throughout your application.
Liskov Substitution Principle (LS P)
The LSP dictates that you should be able to use any derived class in place of a parent class and have it
behave in the same manner without modification. This principle is in line with OCP in that it ensures
that a derived class does not affect the behavior of a parent class, or, put another way, derived classes
must be substitutable for their base classes.
Interface Segregation Principle (IS P)
The ISP is all about splitting the methods of a contract into groups of responsibility and assigning
interfaces to these groups to prevent a client from needing to implement one large interface and a
host of methods that they do not use. The purpose behind this is so that classes wanting to use the
same interfaces only need to implement a specific set of methods as opposed to a monolithic interface
of methods.
Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
The DIP is all about isolating your classes from concrete implementations and having them depend on
abstract classes or interfaces. It promotes the mantra of coding to an interface rather than an implementation,
which increases flexibility within a system by ensuring you are not tightly coupled to one